What is the date of Ide el Kabir in 2024?
Ide el Kabir Day is on Monday, June 17, 2024 in Comoros.
Ide el Kabir Day is on Monday, June 17, 2024 in Comoros.
Yes, Ide el Kabir is a National Holiday in Comoros. A national holiday is a day designated by a country's government as a day of celebration or commemoration, during which public institutions, schools, and businesses may be closed. These holidays often hold cultural, historical, or religious significance and are observed by the entire nation.
Year | Day | Date | Holiday Name | Comments |
2018 | Wednesday | August 22 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2019 | Sunday | August 11 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2020 | Friday | July 31 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2021 | Tuesday | July 20 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2022 | Sunday | July 10 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2023 | Thursday | June 29 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2024 | Monday | June 17 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |
2025 | Saturday | June 07 | Ide el Kabir | Feast of the Sacrifice |